Restorations and Endodontics

what is Endodontics / Root canal treatments ?

Every tooth has a unique system of small canals inside it which contains the nerve and blood supply to the tooth from the jaw.

A root canal treatment or the speciality of Endodontics is the cleaning of these small canal system and shaping it to be able to fill it properly from the opening to the end of the root which is the end of the canal system

What causes tooth decay/cavity/caries ?

Basicly its caused by a certain bacteria that lives in our mouths , so if a certin area in our teeth is not brushed frequently this bacteria starts to demineralize our teeth and make it soft and progresses untill you start to feel pain .

What causes toothache, pain while eating, cold or hot drinks pain ? And how do we solve this ?

Tooth caries/decay/cavities is the most common cause.
To treat we must examine and know the extension of it to determine proper treatment plan we may need to do a Composite aesthetic restoration only or we may need to do a root canal treatment / endodontic treatment and then make a crown

What is a post ?

A post is a small Fiber rod that is placed inside a root canal .

It provides better force distribution during chewing food so some of the forces are transmitted to the roots and not all of the force is on our filling or restoration

However its only needed if we are Restoring more than 40% of a tooths crown

Who needs Endodontics / Root canal treatment?

A tooth would need endodontic treatment when there is infection that reached its pulp, This can happen from a cavity that slowly got bigger and found its way to the pulp or by a pocket which is a gap between teeth and slowly found its way to the canal system, it can also happen from trauma if the tooth is broken and exposed pulp or trauma disconnected the tooths supply from the jaw.

How can you prevent tooth decay/caries/cavities from happening ?

Home duties for this is brushing and flossing twice daily.
if you are high risk for caries we would ask you to fill a diet sheet and modify your diet for better health of your teeth and gums

Visiting every 6 months for checkups is very important

What is the difference between Composite restorations and Root canal treatments/Endodontic treatments ?

Teeth consists of two parts , one that is visible in our mouths and this is called the crown , when we make a restoration or filling in this part that is not very large we use Composite which looks just like a normal tooth

Rootcanal Treatment / Endodontic treatment is filling the canals in the roots 

Made a root canal treatment before but still have pain or swelling ?

This may be from many many causes ..

Root canal treatments / Endodontics is very technique sensitive and should be done using the best equipment and materials and most importantly a comprehensive highly trained team of specialists and nurses 

we need to examine the tooth and we may need to Remake it ..


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